Board: Scouting - General Folder: Openings/Closings Description: Suggestions for opening or closing meetings - everyone needs ideas! Openings and Closings GenK 05/07/94 The Simplest Closing ... Scout Ldr 05/08/94 Re: another variant KWOOD 05/08/94 Re: another variant Scoter 05/09/94 The Living Circle SCOUTER299 05/11/94 Open and Close Shaneo C 05/25/94 Re:Open and Close JIMS1992 06/15/94 Re:Open and Close JereLong 06/16/94 Re:Open and Close OKSCOUT 06/29/94 Re: Scout Vespers Scout Ldr 06/29/94 Re: Scout Vespers OKSCOUT 06/30/94 SCOUT OUT MRKriger 07/07/94 Re:openings and closings CathThorn 08/14/94 Adult Meetings Scoter 08/22/94 RE:Open/Close DJBHezel 09/03/94 Re:RE:Open/Close ChrisOp 09/13/94 Closing with style... User5854 09/27/94 Warm Fuzzies Deb Eater 10/25/94 Closing--Taps Yale 80 10/27/94 Subj: Openings and Closings 94-05-07 07:33:49 EST From: GenK Each meeting of every group *starts* and *ends*. It is always a challenge to find new and attention-getting ways to do this. Please share your most effective methods here. Subj: The Simplest Closing ... 94-05-08 00:22:20 EST From: Scout Ldr Each week a different Scout or Explorer: with arms lifted up and forward, palms out: "May the Great Master of all Scouts be with us until we meet again." Subj: Re: another variant 94-05-08 19:32:33 EST From: KWOOD Our troop uses the simple benediction with a different twist. After closing announcements, the Scouts form a circle and cross arms, right over left, and hold the hand of the Scout on each side. The lights are lowered and the Scoutmaster gives his "Minute" thought. Then everyone repeats the benediction and the Scoutmaster releases everyone with a hearty "Good night, Scouts!" KWood Asst SM Troop 59 Subj: Re: another variant 94-05-09 14:51:11 EST From: Scoter KWood, what kinds of things does the Scoutmaster use for his "minute thoughts"? Are they inspirational poems or what? Subj: The Living Circle 94-05-11 10:17:19 EST From: SCOUTER299 The Scouts form a circle and raise their right hands in the Cub Scout sign. The left hand is put in the middle of the circle with the thumb out and place it in the other Scouts hands so that all have their thumbs in the others palm. Then holding on, going up first then down and saying "A-ke-la, Will be loyal Scouts" as "Scouts" is being said they all release into the air. Subj: Open and Close 94-05-25 21:32:45 EST From: Shaneo C Troop 250, Byron Center, MI, Chartered 44 years... Opening: Pledge of Alegance, Scout Oath & Scout law. This is led by a different patroll each week (Even adults take a turn.). The patrol in charge may vary from this but seldom dose due to lack of planning. After that we all sing two songs from the BSA song book. Beleave it or not the boys do enjoy singing. Those listening may not though. We all have our own key, but we all sing. Closing: We form our "living circle", hats and jackets off, right hand over left, lights off and and again sing; we sing the first verse of Taps. The past year we have had a boy on Cornet volentarly playing taps. We then all say "May the Great Master of all Scouts be with us until we meet again". All present in the room join in in this closing. After this it is time for Scoutmaster minuite and announcemnts. Subj: Re:Open and Close 94-06-15 23:56:16 EST From: JIMS1992 Girl Scouts have a similar closing using their arms right over left, a person is selected to begin the "squeeze" it is passed to the right, you make a silent wish, put your right foot in and pass the squeese on to the person to your right. Once the squeeze is completed we twist around, still holding hands then we say good night. Lillian Shaw Joshua Tree Council, California Junior Troop #607 Brownie Troop #385 Subj: Re:Open and Close 94-06-16 01:39:06 EST From: JereLong For our closings, we too use the Scout Benediction, but first we sing "Scout Vespers": Softly falls the light of day As our campfire fades away. Silently, each scout should ask, "Have I done my daily task? Have I kept my honor bright? Can I guiltless sleep tonight? Have I done and have I dared Everything to Be Prepared?" There's a name for the tune...I'm sure many of you have heard it before...I'm sorry, but I can't think of it right off hand...If i can find it, I promise I'll leave it here for you. Jere Long Longhorn Council, BSA Ft. Worth, TX Subj: Re:Open and Close 94-06-29 07:34:53 EST From: OKSCOUT Here is the music to "Sout Vespers" SCOUT VESPER - To hear this music, export the note. Exit *P. Copy the note to a new file. Name it anything, but add a .BAS extension. Quit the text editor or whereever it is that your exported files go. Get to the C prompt. Type in QBASIC. Choose FILE and select OPEN. Find the new file, select it and push OK. Push F5. Before anything will happen you must delete this line and all above it. 1 PRINT "Scout Vesper (also known as Softly Falls, is" 2 PRINT "taken from Red Lands Council of Girl Scouts'" 3 PRINT "songbook entitled 'Songs of Gold'. No lyricist" 4 PRINT "is given. The tune is a variation of O" 5 PRINT "Tannenbaum "; "" 10 PLAY "O3" 20 PRINT 25 PRINT "Softly falls the light of day," 30 PLAY "L8G." + "L16G" + "L4GA" + "L8B." + "L16B" 31 PLAY "L4B." + "P8" 35 PRINT "As our camp-fire fades a-way." 40 PLAY "L8A." + "L16B" + "L4>CCD." + "L16E." + "L8DD." + "L16C" 71 PLAY "L4C." + "P8" 75 PRINT "Can I guilt-less rest to-night?" 80 PLAY "L8C." + "L16D." + "L8CC." + "L16C